Meat & Sophie's Pastel Spring inspired 5th Birthday Party in Youngstown, Ohio
If you follow me on social media, you may have seen that my sweet, wrinkly puppies turned five on Tuesday. Since Lou and I don't have any kiddos yet, these two have been my photography subjects for all five years of their lives. Meat is pretty cool with getting his picture taken, and he's certainly a big ham (like his father). Sophie, on the other hand, will tolerate my ridiculous photo ideas for a very short period of time, and she'll make sure I know she's not particularly thrilled about it. I feel it's also important to say that they absolutely love wearing clothes. They have a collection of sweaters, a few scarves, some ridiculous hats and several Halloween costumes. Those things don't phase them at all. Sophie even gets a wiggle butt when it's time to put on a sweater or her jammies.
I know, I probably am coming off like a real crazy person. And that's okay. I don't mind, because I know most people are quite fond of my dogs too - even if they haven't met them. I know it's not just me! I mean, I don't think it's possible to look at their wrinkly faces and NOT fall in love with them. You just can't. They're the cutest. Every year we have some sort of birthday party for them, whether it's just us or a play party with their BFF (my friend's sweet rescue pittie, since her birthday is just five days before Meat and Sophie's). Since it's a bit warmer than usual and our back yard is too muddy for serious playing, I decided it was necessary to take some birthday pictures, fully equipped with party hats and some delicious and healthy puppy treats! Today I took a drive to Columbiana, Ohio to an awesome little pet shop called The Pet Hydrant. I was greeted by a smiley human and two fluffy little kitties, who followed me around the store while I browsed (the cats, not the human :P). The awesome thing about The Pet Hydrant is that everything they carry has been heavily researched to assure that our little fur friends are getting the good nutrition they need. I tell people my dogs eat better than I do, and it's true. We've had a rough go with some dog foods, so it's nice to know that I have a place where I can get healthy and absolutely adorable snacks for my pooches from their little bakery section. I definitely snatched up some cute little "donuts" and a couple of peanut butter "cheesecakes" to use for our shoot. Let me tell you, Meat and Soph LOVED them!
Okay, enough with the chatting because I know you're dying to see some cute puppies ;]
No, that is not chocolate. It's Greek yogurt drizzle and carob drizzle - totally puppy friendly :]