Meat and Sophie's Winter Gold Glam Birthday Party in Youngstown, Ohio

meat and sophie's winter gold glam sixth puppy birthday party in youngstown ohio photographed by youngstown wedding photographer mae b photo-11.jpg

Yesterday, I thought about how Meat and Sophie were turning six and the idea crossed into my mind that maybe shouldn't have been there. I thought that since they were getting older, maybe Meat is finally mature enough to not eat the remote if we left it on the coffee table while we were gone. Wrong. So wrong. It wasn't the remote, but while Lou and I were grocery shopping, Meat decided to teach us a lesson. We accidentally left a box of tissues on the end table. Ughhhh. The box and all of the tissues were destroyed all over the floor. That's when I decided that tearing up a box of tissues was Meat's birthday present this year. I'm sure he had fun *insert a million eye rolling emojis here*

Aside from the occasional bad puppy antics, they're really the sweetest dogs I think I've ever had. Every single day they're doing something to make me laugh and every day my heart wants to explode into a million pieces because they make me so happy. We've raised these two little nuggets since they were little babies. A lot of people don't know this, but they're actually litter mates. The only way you'd ever be able to tell is by their wrinkles. They're complete opposites! Meat is the ham of the family. He's absolutely insane, LOVES toys and knows them all by name (cheap and tiny squeaky balls are his fave) and he's super duper gentle (when he's not trying to play with you by parkouring off of your body). He knows all of the tricks and will do them all in order to get a cookie. Sophie on the other hand knows all the tricks but absolutely refuses to do any of them besides "sit". She's so stubborn! Squeaky toys really aren't really her jam, but she will get super hype over chewing on a bone. She is an extreme cuddle-aholic and has to be laying on someone at all times. Most mornings, I wake up to find her in between Lou and I with her head on my pillow. She constantly has to sleep all sprawled out (she's been known to take up an entire couch) while Meat sleeps in a tiny little ball. They both love cheese, bananas, apples and peanut butter. I usually have to share my nighttime snack with them because of this. But beyond all of that, these two are the most loving pups out there. We're always greeted with kisses and wiggle butts. I'm so thankful for them!

Because I love sharing their sweetness with the rest of the world (and partially because I'm a psycho), we've made it a point to always take birthday pictures. This year's plan was to show a more mature side with black and gold bow's, but clearly it's too mature for Meat's liking (cue tissue box destruction). I baked them a banana cake from Puppy Cake (they sell dog friendly box cake!). They loooooved it, and I baked it right in the microwave in a coffee mug. Suuuuper easy! That's enough of my banter - enjoy these party photos. cue the awe's

Happy birthday my little angels! <3

meat and sophie's winter gold glam sixth puppy birthday party in youngstown ohio photographed by youngstown wedding photographer mae b photo-1.jpg
meat and sophie's winter gold glam sixth puppy birthday party in youngstown ohio photographed by youngstown wedding photographer mae b photo-7.jpg
meat and sophie's winter gold glam sixth puppy birthday party in youngstown ohio photographed by youngstown wedding photographer mae b photo-8.jpg
They're like, what issss thisssss

They're like, what issss thisssss

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If you ever wondered what it looks like behind the scenes hah! If Lou's around during our shoots, he's the puppy wrangler.

If you ever wondered what it looks like behind the scenes hah! If Lou's around during our shoots, he's the puppy wrangler.

meat and sophie's winter gold glam sixth puppy birthday party in youngstown ohio photographed by youngstown wedding photographer mae b photo-15.jpg
meat and sophie's winter gold glam sixth puppy birthday party in youngstown ohio photographed by youngstown wedding photographer mae b photo-28.jpg

We decided that Meat and Sophie didn't need anymore toys, so instead of getting them presents, we decided to go through Meat's toys and set aside the ones he's hardly ever played with so we can give them to the pound pups, along with some items on Friends of Fido's Amazon wishlist. If you'd like to, we'd love it if you made a donation for Meat and Sophie's birthday! You can find the Amazon wishlist here or donate money to Friends of Fido here.